Our era is the era of imperialism and proletarian revolution. Since Marx, the essence of capitalism has not changed. But it has evolved and developed. It has developed into what Lenin clearly identified: imperialism.  This one has taken the form of so-called ‘globalization’ nowadays.  This isn’t a qualitative development but quantitative.
Through the so-called ‘globalization’, imperialism-capitalism affects all the people of the world. Even the most isolated tribes of the deep forests of South America, Africa and Asia are expropriated under the cover of exploitation of the natural resource by the big multinational corporations.

Capitalism has expanded all over the planet. According to capitalistic evaluations, capitalism would have raised life standard of population on average. Reality is that the gap between rich and poor and between oppressed and imperialist countries at international scale has grown. In short, inequalities are being sharper.

In that sense, objectives conditions for revolution are here and are more and more striking. We know very well that capitalist development in oppressed countries do not benefit to working class and peasantry but to the bureaucrat capitalist, to the comprador bourgeoisie. Others just get nothing.

If objective conditions for revolution are here, why didn’t it already happened? To have the answer, we have to look at the subjective forces, the revolutionary forces. We have to see that they are weak now, either in the imperialist countries or in oppressed countries. International bourgeoisie says again and again that Marxism is dead, that communism is history.
However, in 1980, Peru was reviving the fire of People’s War and opened the door to the next wave of proletarian revolution. In the beginning of the 21st century, taking lesson from Peruvian experience, Nepali comrades could apply Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to the concrete conditions of their country. However, there is nowadays an important two line struggle inside the party. Clearly, it is the success of revolution that is endangered. A revisionist line in the party says that political revolution has been achieved and that economic revolution must develop now. This line is translated into reality by consolidating bourgeois democratic republic and development of capitalism, this last one becoming the predominant aspect.

An other line states that political revolution must go forward along with economic revolution and that federal democratic republic is just a “lift” toward People’s Republic. This line wants the state to control principal economic resources of the country and by doing so, begin to build socialism. This line is for new democratic revolution when the other is for the consolidation of an intermediary stage and so delaying new democratic revolution. Each line states to be in favor of People’s Republic, the main question is when and how to establish it. This debate will probably be resolved during the next party’s cadre national conference in November.

The process is still going on ad it is definitively too early to say that Nepali comrades have sold out. The CPN-Maoist is not monolithic and we have to support the revolutionary line. Isolated, Nepali revolution will be under constant attacks of the national and international bourgeoisie. Nepali revolution must live and for this we must support it! And this can be done only in the spirit of proletarian internationalism.

Lenin said : “There is one, and only one, kind of real internationalism, and that is—working whole-heartedly for the development of the revolutionary movement and the revolutionary struggle in one’s own country, and supporting (by propaganda, sympathy, and material aid) this struggle, this, and only this, line, in every country without exception.” This is the definition of proletarian internationalism and this is what we have to put into practice! Not only for Nepal but for all the advanced or not revolutionary movements in the world which have for ideology Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, along with continuation of ideological debate at international scale in the process of “unity-struggle-transformation”.
It is necessary to support People’s Wars, led by the Communist Party of Peru, Communist Party of India – Maoist, in Bangladesh, Turkey, Philippines and the reconstruction of the Maoist parties in South America, in imperialist countries.

The People’s War, also in imperialist countries with specificities of each, is the only way to take the power.
That is why we are working in France to develop the Maoist youth organization along with the Maoist Communist Party of France. We think that youth has always played an important role in the development of the revolutionary movement. Youth is the world’s future. We have to strengthen the dialectical relation between potential revolutionary energy of the youth and experience of the elders.

We also think that we need a new international uniting all the parties and organizations that have for ideology Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to put into practice the “unity-struggle-transformation” process. We think that no party must be hegemonic in this international and try to impose to others the experiences that it develops in its own country. Let’s let the practice verifies, check the correctness of theoric position of this or that party. Revolution cannot be copied, it must develop.
Revolutionary struggle is not easy. It needs a constant work and involvement. It cannot be done in a talking room but in the field, in the practice, applying revolutionary theory. Only this process can enrich and advance forward ideology. Let’s go forward to build a strong revolutionary movement with at his head parties with Marxism-Leninism-Maoism ideology, with the final aim of communism at world scale!

Long live the PCP!
Defend Chairman Gonzalo life!
Let’s support People’s War in the world!
Let’s support the progressist process in Nepal!
Long live proletarian internationalism!
Let’s rebuild the Maoist parties!
Let’s go forward in the reconstruction of the communist Internationale!
Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!

Maoist Communist Party of France,
Hamburg, 25 October 2008